Resources for Organizations

The following resources are available for supporting Playing Big discussions in your organization.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Director of Partnerships, Gretchen Remmers: gretchen (at) playingbig (dot) org.

The Inner Critic

One of the biggest barriers that keeps us playing small is listening to our inner critics. Use these resources to help your team members get to know what the inner critic is and what they can do about it. It turns out, the answer is not becoming more confident!

Quieting Your Inner Critic | The goop Podcast

The Confidence Myth – What it Means to Your Career |

Helping an Employee Overcome Their Self-Doubt | Harvard Business Review

How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome | Harvard Business Review Special Issue 

Inner Critic vs Realistic Thinking

Why Your Inner Critic Speaks Up When You Least Expect It

Leaving Good Student Habits Behind

Girls are doing better in school than their male counterparts, and women are seeking out more years of higher education than men. Yet often “good student habits” hold women back in the workplace. Use these resources to talk about how to shift from Good Student Habits to the very different skills and capacities women need to thrive at work.

Women Need to Realize Work Isn’t School | Harvard Business Review

Why Women Don’t Apply for Jobs Unless They’re 100% Qualified | Harvard Business Review

The Women’s School to Work Guide (downloadable PDF)

Unhooking from Praise & Criticism

Praise and criticism impact women in unique ways: women have been socialized to be likable, to not rock the boat. On top of that, research tells us that the feedback women receive in the workplace tends to be more personal and more personality focused, and often more vague. Unhooking from praise and criticism is a key milestone on the path to playing bigger. Use these resources to begin the discussion with your team.

Learning to Love Criticism | New York Times

Hooked vs. Unhooked |

Keynote from Emerging Women Live

Communicating with Power

Research shows that women and marginalized groups in any culture tend to use a variety of speech and writing habits that undermine how powerfully and authoritatively we come across. While this originates as a necessary strategy for softening our voice and dealing with bias, it can become an overused default behavior that limits us. Use these materials to help raise your team’s awareness about the undermining speech habits and begin communicating more powerfully.

How Women Undermine Themselves with Words |

Are Women Undermining Themselves by Using Words Like “Sorry” in Their Communications? |