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Watch our Sunday Sessions with Tara below, and sign up above to stay updated on our future workshops and courses.

Restore & Reimagine: A New Year’s Workshop

What within yourself needs restoration or replenishment? What aspects of your life or work are due for a reimagining? In this new year’s workshop, you will discover your answers to these questions through guided journaling and more.

To have the best experience, I recommend you set aside an hour when you can do this workshop. Because we do a lot of journaling and incorporate imagery, you’ll be best served by being able to watch (rather than listen). If you’d like to download one of the images from our journaling, you can find them here

This session was recorded on January 19, 2023.

“Go Forth” and “Right Here” 

From our corporations to our children’s books, our culture has an obsession with the hero’s journey and with growth. There can be something very right and beautiful about that. Sometimes. But in this session, we’ll uplift another way of being. We discuss the power of celebration, stillness, and the tender appreciation of small moments. I’ll share what I consider to be a significant part of a spiritual life that I’m newly discovering, and how you can incorporate it, too.

You can find the special resources page (with worksheets from various past sessions) mentioned during our concluding session here.

This session was recorded on March 27, 2022.

Fulfillment, Fears, and Hard Conversations: A Q&A with Tara

Is there a sticky situation in your life that’s calling for an honest conversation? In this session, we explore the tools of negotiation and how they can support you in finding solutions and setting boundaries. Then we’ll turn to questions from our listener community about responding to fears, seeking new paths for fulfillment, and opening to a new identity.

This session was recorded on March 20, 2022.

Embracing Transformation: A Q&A with Tara

As we approach the end of our Sunday Sessions (for now), we hold space for your questions on procrastination, hurtful interactions, and creative recovery. I also share about how the focus of my own work has evolved. It began long before I truly recognized it! What I’ve found to be true is this: a first step to transformation is to loosen our attachment to what isn’t working.

Helpful resources related to our conversation include the inner mentor visualization, and the following two worksheets:

This session was recorded on March 13, 2022.

Embracing “Love 360”

If you’ve ever felt like it’s difficult to figure out how to truly care for yourself and others all at once, join us for this conversation. We’ll look more deeply at the idea of Love 360 — love that radiates in all directions, including toward yourself. We’ll explore several ways to tap into this specific energy of love, such as visiting your Inner Mentor. Whether you’re trying to improve a healthcare setting or a dinner table disagreement, you can always turn to this key question: What does Love 360 look like here?

This session was recorded on March 6, 2022.

Working with Heartbreak Around the World

What can you do to get grounded when what’s unfolding in the wider world feels so overwhelming? In this session, we use journaling and other creative expressions to help us find our way forward. There are no easy answers here. And yet, as you’ll see, when you give yourself creative space to process, surprising discoveries and shifts can emerge.

The prompts we’ll use include:
The truth is…
My question is…
My heart wants to say…
I believe in…

This session was recorded on February 27, 2022.

Cultivating Eden Consciousness

In this session we come back to the special type of gratitude practice I’ve been using in my own life, what I call an Eden Gratitude Practice. If you could use more gratitude in your life, or a refreshed gratitude ritual, check out our session here.

This session was recorded on February 20, 2022.

Creating a New Relationship with Relaxation

Why is relaxing so important? How is it different from downtime, or rest? What narratives about ‘relaxation’ did you grow up with, and are they really serving you now? What can you do in your everyday life to experience more relaxed moments? We talk about all that and more in this session.

This session was recorded on February 6, 2022.

Five Keys for Dealing with Fear

Today, we cover more on fear, including: the five doorways to move out of fear, why we can neither connect nor do our best thinking when we are feeling fear, and what releasing fear has to do with the spiritual path.

This session was recorded on January 30, 2022.

Responding to Fears: Part I

In this session we explore fear as one of the experiences/emotions that can block us from love and connection. We’ll cover practical tools for moving out of fear that you can use every day in your life – to help you shift into more generative, helpful states of being.

This session was recorded on January 23, 2022.

Letting Untruths Fall Away

In this session we explore the spiritual path as a path of unlearning, undoing, letting go of – as opposed to a path of acquiring new or different capacities. We’ll also talk about resentment, and learn a practical journaling/reflection process for working through any resentment in our lives.

This session was recorded on January 16, 2022.

Expanding Our Capacity for Love

So often our intentions for the New Year focus on self – our goals for ourselves, our self-improvement plans. In this session, we explore new directions for the new year that have to do with *how we love.* Listen to explore areas where you are diminishing your own relationships through limits on your capacity to love – and identify the areas and relationships where you want to make change.

This session was recorded on January 9, 2022.

Bringing Love into Places of Fear

Have you ever felt healed and held by a conversation with a good friend, partner, or colleague? A caring interaction can help us emerge from fight-or-flight and into a more grounded state. In this powerful session, we’ll explore how you can be a “miracle worker” in your conversations and relationships.

This session was recorded on December 12, 2021.

How to Practice Generous Listening

In this session, we explore the topic of “how we hear hurt.” We discuss Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen’s definition of “generous listening,” which is “listening only to find out what is true for the other party.” Generous listening, practiced consistently, could take us a very, very long way toward more connection, less interpersonal hurt, and better practical solutions in all kinds of arenas.

This session was recorded on December 5, 2021.

Recognizing Eden: A Gratitude Practice

Explore a new approach to your gratitude practice that we experiment with in this week’s session. This practice helps us see five facets of goodness that show up in our daily lives: beauty, nourishment, variety, the presence of the divine, and a sense of order or craftedness. When you reflect on your week through this lens, you are sure to find some extra appreciation!

This session was recorded on November 28, 2021.

The Spirit of Safeguarding

In this session we talk about protecting, guarding, what’s sacred in us and in our lives. What is sacred and holy in your life that needs that kind of protecting — the resolute and often quiet safeguarding that comes out of love? And what does it look like to protect it? You can journal on or simmer on those questions today.

This session was recorded on November 14, 2021.

The Parts We Hide

If you ever struggle with feeling like you need to hide parts of yourself in your relationships or in your life, this session is for you. We explore the roots of that hiding and how that judgmental mind always and inevitably takes us into judgment and ultimately fragmentation of ourselves. We also explore how to find a way back to a consciousness in which we can live freer of self-assessment and shame.

This session was recorded on November 7, 2021.

Procrastination: A Q&A with Tara

In this session we talk about a variety of the questions on our community members’ minds such as: what to do about procrastination and lack of motivation, how we can rest and slow down (even when it’s hard to do so), tools for overcoming fears, and much more!

This session was recorded on October 31, 2021.

Two Facets of Spiritual Growth: Part II

Over the past few years, I’ve felt a pull toward a new phase of my spirituality: cultivating a deep appreciation for what is. In this session, we talk about a unique, five-part approach to gratitude practice that I’m loving these days, that can help us find an awareness of the beauty and grace that’s here right now. Listen and try it out in your journaling tonight!

This session was recorded on October 24, 2021.

Two Facets of Spiritual Growth: Part I

In this session we talk about the dimension of spiritual life that’s all about self-actualization: knowing your authentic longings, creating a vision for your work or life, and bringing it into reality, step by step – with all the surprises, twists and turns, surrenders that that entails. We talk about what it looks like to do that work not as an egoic self alone, but in partnership with a greater spiritual power.

This session was recorded on October 17, 2021.

An Invitation to Create

If you want to connect more with your own creative voice, this session is for you! It’s all about cultivating our creativity, including thoughts on when and how we share our creations.

This session was recorded on October 10, 2021.

The Central Task of Growing Up

What is the central task of growing up? And what does it look like to honor our need for separateness and togetherness all at once? In this session we talk about how this plays out for children, and for ourselves as adults. I find that this question is at the heart of all my greatest challenges.

This session was recorded on October 3, 2021.

Cultivating a Prayer Practice

What role can prayer play in our lives in a contemporary context, and what does it look like to pray in a spirit of personal spirituality – apart from particular religious doctrines? In this session, I share some of my personal practices for prayer and ideas about prayer. We also continue our conversation about gratitude, feeling a sense of enoughness in the day to day, and what it means to cultivate “Eden consciousness.”

This session was recorded on September 26, 2021.

Creating from a Place of Rest

How can we still work hard, create, build – even while feeling a sense of “enoughness” and gratitude? What do wisdom traditions tell us about what work really is, and what it can be like – if infused with our spirituality? We also talk about a way of thinking about work that’s a great antidote to overwhelm, taking workplace issues personally, and perfectionism.

This session was recorded on September 19, 2021.

Getting Unstuck: A Coaching Conversation

Today we discussed that when things feel unsettled, there’s usually inner work to do. We also had a beautiful coaching conversation about patience, rest and creativity with one of our community members. If you’ve ever been frustrated with yourself around delays in a project, or been unclear why your creativity seemed to dry up, you’ll want to hear this conversation.

This session was recorded on September 12, 2021.

What Are Your Soul’s Questions?

We each come into the world with Our Soul’s Questions – and in this session, I guide you through a process to identify your own. When we know our soul questions, our work, our trials, our experiments all take on richer meaning and come with less struggling.

This session was recorded on September 5, 2021.

Living in the Realm of Repair

Have you ever felt a sense of futility about the suffering and need in the world? In this session we talk about some of my favorite antidotes to this overwhelm, so we can stay engaged with our work for a more just and loving world.

This session was recorded on August 29, 2021.

A New Way to Respond to Hurt: Part II 

This week we continued working with a practical process for moving through resentments, anger and hurt – and into a clear-eyed seeing that helps relieve our suffering. Grab your journal and pen and let’s dive in.

This session was recorded on August 22, 2021.

A New Way to Respond to Hurt: Part I 

In this session, we look at some big ideas for handling resentment and hurt differently – ideas that can help us suffer less and respond more wisely in the face of challenges.

This session was recorded on August 15, 2021.

Your True Purpose: Part II

We continue our conversation about clarifying our life purpose, being of service to others. We also get into some good conversation about how to deal with the self-doubts around our readiness to lead and contribute. And, we talk a lot about the special role of adolescents and children in spurring us all to greater service – if there is an important teen or young adult in your life, you’ll especially want to hear this.

This session was recorded on August 8, 2021.

Your True Purpose: Part I

What’s my life purpose? What’s your life purpose? In this session, we talk about how I see questions of life purpose — and how we can all start living lives with more purpose (and therefore more joy), right now, today.

This session was recorded on August 1, 2021.

The Poetry of the Burning Palace

There is both beauty and suffering in our midst — but it can be difficult to hold both things at once. In this session, I’ll teach you one of my favorite practices/images for recognizing both of these truths. I know you’ll love it too!

This session was recorded on July 25, 2021.

Watch here:

Listen here:

Love 360

There are some situations when the advice to “put on your own oxygen mask first” just feels laughable. In this session we talk about a practical tool for loving both ourselves and others (at the same time!) in our relationships and interactions. This is also a powerful lens for defining what love actually is — and distinguishing it from people-pleasing, martyrdom, guilt, and “shoulds.”

This session was recorded on July 18, 2021.

The Voice of the True Path

In this session we talk about a tool for making decisions, charting our path, and relating to our loved ones — yes it’s a tool for all of these! Widely applicable! I won’t try to summarize it here, but it’s a practice you can use in many ways in your life, starting today. And it may also shed light for you on the different ways you’ve navigated choices in the past – and how you can keep choosing in ways that are authentic and life-giving for you.

This session was recorded on July 4, 2021.

The Disillusionment Upgrade: Part II 

What is underneath disillusionment? How can we work with disillusionment so it propels us forward into wiser and more impactful action? I see disillusionment as a part of a cyclical process that comes with working toward change in ourselves and our world — and a very important part of that process! If you are feeling disillusionment of any kind — political, personal, spiritual, ecological — I invite you to take a listen.

This session was recorded on June 27, 2021.

The Disillusionment Upgrade: Part I 

How can we discern what kind of path of service calls to us? In this session, we talk about service as a part of spiritual growth and mental health. And we talk about “the disillusionment upgrade” — what to do when we become disenchanted or no longer hopeful about the kinds of service we are engaged in.

This session was recorded on June 20, 2021.

What is Eden Consciousness?

Even in the midst of life’s stresses and challenging circumstances — even then — we can keep coming back to consciousness of the miracle of life, of being here. In this session, we’ll explore how. We talk about “Eden consciousness,” “teaching from rest” and cultivating a sense of enoughness.

This session was recorded on June 13, 2021.

Finding Compassion and Setting Boundaries Too

What if someone’s troubling behavior, in its own way, makes perfect sense? Does understanding it with compassion mean you must accept and allow it? This week, we explore what helps us wisely navigate challenges in our relationships with others, cultivating compassion, and the relationship between compassion and self-care.

This session was recorded on June 6, 2021.

Why I Don’t Believe in Evil

In this session we explore a tool for handling situations where others’ behavior is challenging or difficult for us. We’ll also take a big, deep dive into how we understand acts of harm in our culture, and what new ways of seeing harm can move our collective forward.

This session was recorded on May 30, 2021.

Supporting Girls in Playing Big

In this session we talk about how to support the girls and young women we love — students, mentees, nieces, daughters and more — as they struggle with self-doubt and tough inner critics.

This session was recorded on May 16, 2021.

What Is the Problem, Really? 

Why are you really upset? What’s at the core of it? In this session we talk about a powerful framework for understanding what’s happening in any situation in which you feel disturbed. You can also use it to unpack what’s happening with your loved ones — children and adults — when things get rough.

This session was recorded on May 9, 2021.

The Three Wells of Love

In your moments of need, I believe there are three wells of love you can draw on to sustain you. This is a powerful framework you can use in your life to explore how you get support when you need it, how you return to calm when you are in fear and stress, or simply how you can source more love and connection in your life.

This session was recorded on April 25, 2021.

Seeing the Grace and Strength Within

In this session, we experience a special way of seeing each other with more love. The strength and wisdom that becomes visible is truly remarkable! We also discuss your questions on women supporting women, coaching vs. therapy, and working with the ego and the inner critic.

This session was recorded on April 18, 2021.

Navigating Friction in Relationships

How can we move beyond the framework of “right vs. wrong” in our relational conflicts? In this session, we talk about a different framework we can move into instead.

This session was recorded on April 11, 2021.

Caring for the Light Within 

Let’s talk about radiance — what it means to light the spark in ourselves, and what it means to be a steward of the radiance or an ally for the radiance of the people we love. If you are interested in more joy and more connection, this is for you!

This session was recorded on April 4, 2021.

A Path Away from People-Pleasing

If you’ve ever found yourself people-pleasing (and who hasn’t?) this session is for you! We talk about how people-pleasing causes us to be dishonest in our relationships — and the many costs that has in our lives, from burnout to loss of connection. We explore the fears behind our people-pleasing, how to work with them, and what it means to “be honest” in our relationships. Of course, honesty doesn’t mean 100% transparency, no filter, all the time. It’s an art, and requires deep discernment to discover what kind of honesty we want to bring to any particular relationship or situation.

This session was recorded on March 28, 2021.

Guilt: The Healthy, The Unhealthy, and What to Do About It

In this session we talk about feelings of guilt, and what to do with them. We talk about the kind of guilty feelings based in “shoulds” or cultural messages, and how to examine them, let go of them, and move beyond them. We also talk about the kind of guilty feelings we want to honor and address through apologies, amends, and grief for past mistakes. We get into some juicy territory about relationships and boundaries too!

This session was recorded on March 21, 2021.

Creating Oases of Contentment in Your Day-to-Day

How can you find more happiness in each day? Part of the process is about remembering what you love. In this session, we also turn to your questions about self-compassion, guilt, post-pandemic life, and more.

This session was recorded on March 14, 2021.

Bringing Work and Life into Harmony

In this session we focus on work/personal life harmony and integration — what to do if it feels like there just isn’t enough time to do both well; what to do if it feels like you still have to be a different self at work vs. at home, and my favorite personal practices for feeling more integrated as I move through work and life. This is not an easy topic — there is a lot that is faulty (to say the least) in how this is all set up in our culture. Yet there are also many practices, mindsets and tools that can help.

This session was recorded on March 7, 2021.

15 Ways to Have a “First” Every Day

“When was the last time you did something for the first time?” -Seth Godin

We humans can stay busy pursuing “external firsts” — a first visit to some country, a first time to reach a particular financial milestone. But “internal firsts” are at least as important: the stretch into a new perception, that moment of finding a new depth of courage, of telling a truth for the first time, or receiving a new idea from the muse. In this session we look at how to have meaningful “firsts” every single day of our lives, through our spiritual and personal growth work.

This session was recorded on February 28, 2021.

On Resentments, Irritations, and Grudges

What can you do with feelings of antagonism, resentment or animosity? Grab your pen and this antagonism journaling worksheet to try out the journaling process I love for working through those difficult feelings.

This session was recorded on February 21, 2021.

The Wisdom of Three Feet

Author and activist Greg Ellison recounts how his auntie told him, “Greg, I may not be able to change the world, but I can change the three feet around me.” In this session, we take Greg and his auntie’s wisdom as our jumping off point and explore: what do we each most long to change in the world? And how can we get within three feet of what we want to change? What does it mean to get up close to that which we want to alter?

This session was recorded on February 14, 2021.

Thoughts on “Independence” in Us and in Our Kids

In this session we talk about (and question) our culture’s ideas about independence and dependence. I share what I’ve learned about the surprising history of these terms, and how we might shift how we think about interdependence in our relationships. Then, in the workshop part of our session, we go through an exercise to clarify core values, and talk about how we can design our life and career around our core values — for more fulfillment, joy and impact.

This session was recorded on February 7, 2021.

The Difference Between Rest and Relaxation, and Why It Matters 

In this session, you’ll get several key questions to help you create a new relationship with relaxation! Relaxation is not the opposite of work. In fact, I believe our work (and our families, and our lives) can be greatly improved when we come from a place of relaxation, of ease, of calm. If this topic feels fluffy or out of sync with your life, I especially invite you to take a listen.

This session was recorded on January 31, 2021.

Self-Care: A Q&A with Tara

There are some magical activities that, when we add them to our day, somehow make everything else go more smoothly. Whether yours is meditation, running, singing, or just plain sleep, we’ll go through a process to help you hold more space for it in your life. Then we’ll turn to questions from our listener community about all kinds of self-care for the mind, body, and spirit.

This session was recorded on January 24, 2021.

Accessing Your Natural Motivation

What can you do when you have dips in motivation around the projects you care about? In this session, you’ll learn a series of questions you can ask yourself anytime motivation is low or waning — including a powerful tool for dealing with fear.

This session was recorded on January 17, 2021.

“I Can’t Do This Anymore”: How to Make a Change

Making a big change in your work or your life? The questions we address in this session can offer a meaningful compass. We talk about tuning into your underlying needs, saying no, changing your mind, and getting in touch with what you truly love and enjoy.

This session was recorded on January 10, 2021.

What is the Right Role for the Mind?

How would you live differently if your heart took the lead, rather than your mind? In this session, we consider how your mind can act in service of your heart, creating greater well-being for yourself and our world. Then, we’ll open to listener questions about navigating between the heart’s longings and the mind’s ideas and priorities.

This session was recorded on January 3, 2021.

A Ritual for the Year’s End

In this end-of-year session, we dive into several prompts to reflect on the journey of these past twelve months. We’ll also help you lay the groundwork for greater openness and well-being in the year ahead. These questions are right for the end of the calendar year, or any time you’re ready to close out one phase and open into something new.

This session was recorded on December 20, 2020.

Two Meanings of “Love”

When I was younger, I asked myself, “What is the life I would love?” and I worked to create it. Now, I’m learning a second way to love my life: to offer love and nurturance to it — even and especially when there are constraints and hardships. In this session we’ll explore both modes of loving your life, so you can feel warmth toward your present experience, whatever it is.

This session was recorded on December 13, 2020.

Three Myths About Your Callings

If you have questions about your callings, this session is for you! This week we reframe three popular ideas about purpose that can keep us from recognizing and honoring our own callings. We’ll also turn to questions from our listener community about how callings are appearing in their lives, and how you can live the essence of your calling today.

This session was recorded on November 29, 2020.

Becoming a Well: How to Bring Forth Your Light 

How easy it is to forget — that you can change, in small and immediate ways, how you live your life. If you’ve been struggling to make space for your passions, this session will offer you a key question that can help. Whatever it is that lights you up, that makes you feel authentically you, can provide so much energy in your life… if only you let it come out and play.

This session was recorded on November 22, 2020.

Entrepreneurship: A Q&A with Tara

How can you find your way through the self-doubts and unknowns of an entrepreneurial journey? In this special Q&A session we help you discover more openness and curiosity toward the process of creating a flourishing business or initiative.

This session was recorded on October 18, 2020.

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