The One Deep Inside Your Chest


Step back and watch your body, being a body.

Watch an arm move through space, watch an ankle turn.


Watch your body, as it likes things or doesn’t,

as it gets scrapes and bruises

as the skin darkens and falls into folds.


Step back to the perimeter of the theater

and watch your body on the stage.


Recede to that quiet knowing:

For now, I am associated with this body —

not inside it, or one with it —

just associated, for a time.


Casing. Only casing.

Be kind to the casing if you like — put oils

on it and nourish it and move it to keep it stronger, for a time.

Never become it. There, only suffering.


Can you feel the one deep inside your chest, who has existed forever?

Who has made a thousand journeys?

Who feels like a comet in the dark?

The inner filament?


I know, no one ever told you.

I know. It wasn’t the name you learned to write at school,

but that one is you.

That one is the real you.


– Tara Mohr


photo credit: Jack Catalano

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Jay Schryer says:

    This is beautiful. So, so beautiful…

    Thank you, this touched my heart deeply.

  • The one deep in my chase..who has made a thousand journets..who has existed for ever. I am her. Thank you for reminding me in such a powerful way.

  • Trish Scott says:

    Beautiful. I AM That 🙂

  • Jadyn says:

    So powerful. Thank you for writing this.

  • Kylie says:

    I love your poem Tara, and I’m excited because I only just wrote a poem dealing with similar stuff. Synchronicity! This was my poem:

    we are big and small
    the thought hopped around my head last night as I slept
    a nocturnal image
    it seemed urgently important

    we are big and small
    I am big to me
    housed in this body
    framing and filtering the world
    a veil of particularity

    we are big and small
    I am small to me
    a flicker, a momentary
    gathering of possibilities

    we are big and small
    I am Me
    and that is good
    and I am grateful

    and I am not me
    since this momentary moulding
    is rich and good
    but brief and part
    of something bigger.

  • Tara says:

    Thank you Jay, Desiree, Trish, Jadyn and Kylie for the warm words and support. It all means a lot. And thank you Kylie for sharing your poem. It is beautifully speaking to the same topics!

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