Community & Relationship

when you feel jealous…

By June 24, 2013 4 Comments

One of my favorite places to guest write is the Biz Ladies section over at Design Sponge.

This week, I’m writing there about what to do when you feel jealous of other women.

I feel so sad when I see women beating themselves up about feeling jealous, or acting out their jealousy in harmful ways — instead of digging out the buried treasure that’s always hidden in our jealousy.

What do I mean by that? I explain it all here, including some simple steps to take when you feel jealous of other women. Click here to read the post!

Lots of love,


Join the discussion 4 Comments

  • Juts the message I needed to hear today!

  • Rosi says:

    Love your postes, your comments, your energy, I’m grateful I got to “Know” you!
    Jealousy was having a bad effect in my professional life. Thanks for presenting a way out!

  • Paula Ruffy says:

    Tara I’m delighted to report that when jealousy was passed around I was absent that day. Believe me I have enough other things to work on … my husband and I are opera lovers and you can imagine how the jealousy flourishes in those plots…but I can’t imagine it … bravo to all those who are blessed with much to love in their lives for me every moment has its blessings one only has to look .

  • Tara, thank you for writing about this. I love for touching such a difficult and uncomfortable topic. Many of us experience it at various stages in our life. It’s an exhausting and draining feeling. I loved reading your helpful and positive outlook on it!

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