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The Big Ideas

By January 11, 2009 17 Comments

Wise Living. Here’s what this place is all about:

    1. What you love, what you long to do, is really, really important. When you live in alignment with those things, life becomes joyful, alive, full color, move-you-to-tears gorgeous. But most of us get lost from our true loves along the way in life. There is a way to get back on track.


    1. If you are here on this planet, there is a unique contribution you are meant to make. That’s what I call your real work. Sometimes we can do our real work through our jobs, and sometimes we choose to do it outside of our jobs. Which you do doesn’t really matter. But it really matters that in some way, you do your real work. It will make you happy, and the world desperately needs your contribution.


    1. We all have a relentless inner critic and voice of fear within. Wise living involves learning to recognize those voices for what they are, and separate them from the voice of your authentic self. Then you can choose who to listen to.


    1. Human beings get hooked by fear. We get unhappy because of stories we make up about how things are or how things need to be. But the big fabulous miracle is this: there is always a way out of stress, fear, pain, resentment or anxiety. That way comes from making subtle internal shifts, (I call these “two inch shifts”) that allow us to move from suffering to peace, from constriction to expansiveness. You can learn to make those shifts.


    1. Most suffering comes from leaving who we really are, or leaving love. Simple as that. That means most suffering can be relieved by 1) returning to a spirit of love or 2) returning to ourselves.


    1. If we fill our lives up with doing and shoulds and overscheduling, the life that wants to emerge in us never can. We need to carve out white space in our calendars and lives. We need to become skilled at the art of subtraction. And we need to focus our attention in ways that serve us.


  1. Compassion is a form of wisdom. We all need forgiveness. The world is starving for more love. Compassion is strength and compassionate responses work. They heal and they stop the cycles of waste, of attack and defend, that plague our world.


Join the discussion 17 Comments

  • Thanks so much for your visit to Sacred Ruminations and for leaving such a lovely comment along with the link back here. I’ve added this site to my reader and plan to return as time permits to drink in the wisdom you share. I love the book 12 Secrets of Creative Women … have read it multiple times and keep it handy for quick reference. Today I’m absorbed by the Inaugural coverage on television and responding to comments and emails during commercial breaks.
    Hugs and blessings,

  • Yertle says:

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and saying hi. I look forward to reading your blog and have added it to my reader. Take good care and have a great day.

  • Elle says:

    Loving reading your blog – thanks so much for coming by mine and helping me find you!

  • Hi Tara, Thanks for stopping by my blog. Looks like your blog is packed with wonderful, inspiring words! Thanks for all you are contributing!

  • Lori says:

    WOW! I am glad that I stumbled on your wise inspiring blog!

  • Mike says:

    Just passing by.Btw, you website have great content!

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  • Christina says:

    what a wonderful place this is.
    : )

  • Great Ideas!

    I especially agree with number 4, on being fearful. We do plant thoughts in our mind that hold us back. This is very encouraging for me. Thanks for sharing!!

  • Farouk says:

    i like your blog Tara:) i love knowing new people , that’s the thing that makes me happy the most that’s why point number one in your post motivated me to do so

  • Mike T. says:

    “Compassion is a form of wisdom” I never thought of it that way.

    “We all need forgivness”, Along with that, we need to forgive those who have wronged us – if for no other reason than the unforgiveness will fester into bitterness, then anger. Which will spill over into all parts of our lives.

    Lastly, we need to TRULY forgive. For me, I know I have forgiven that person that has wronged me when I randomly bump into them, and my first gut feel for them is feeling sorry for them that they felt the need to hurt me in the way that they did. (I hope that makes sense!)

  • Chris Akins says:

    A very powerful post, and very much aligned with the search for purpose in life. I particularly love #2. When we live life in accordance with our principles and inner being, we can find purpose and true happiness. Think about all of those people who work in jobs they hate, with no goals other than to survive or buy more “stuff.” How much happier would we all be if we knew our purpose, and had the courage to pursue it!


  • Roman Soluk says:

    Thanks a lot Tara, for such a wonderful blog! Really like your ideas. Wish you success!

  • Jenn says:

    Tara, I adore your blog, and your writing is so smooth and flowy and speaks to my soul so beautifully! Thank you for this love you share with words… and spirit. I look forward to “dancing” around these posts when I have a bit more time.. I wanted to leave a note though and say “Thanks!” and I added you to my blog roll!

    I love what you wrote here:

    1. What you love, what you long to do, is really, really important. When you live in alignment with those things, life becomes joyful, alive, full color, move-you-to-tears gorgeous.

    7. Compassion is a form of wisdom.

    I never thought of #7 before like that, and #1 always needs reinforced …

    blessings to you!
    in luv and light,

  • shabi says:

    Really like the blog, the idea, theme and the whole concept is just great

  • uzma7 says:

    Hi. There is so much truth in all your points. It’s almost like an entire philosophy to live life by. I love this, more so because this is exactly where I am. Trying to do what I love, silencing the inner critic, making inner shifts. Its great to find a fellow traveller. Thank u for this. God bless

  • sophiashouse says:

    Thank you Uzma! I’m so glad this resonates with you and that you found Wise Living.

  • sophiashouse says:

    Thank you Shabi! Look forward to hearing more from you. Warmly, Tara

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