More Everyday Joy

The Art of Subtraction

By April 9, 2010 8 Comments

I’m passionate about the art of subtraction. Living better by subtracting.

There are some fabulous bloggers who write about having less stuff and focusing on fewer tasks.

That’s not my area of expertise. I think about subtracting in terms of the non-physical junk that clutters our lives: the shoulds, the people-pleasing, the settling. I call those things “deep clutter” because their roots run deeper than the clutter on the desk or in the inbox.

Today I am at GoodLife Zen, writing about the Seven Sources of Deep Clutter, including how to clear the ones creating mess and ickiness and overfull-ness in your life. Come visit and check it out.

For new subscribers who got here because you read that post earlier today, first of all: Welcome welcome welcome! There are many of you–thank you GoodLife Zen!

Second, if you liked the Seven Sources of Deep Clutter article, you might also like this little piece about Creating White Space. Aahhh, white space. Oxygen for the soul.

Now, its Friday afternoon. If you promise to go love your life this weekend, I’ll do the same. In?



Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Subtraction makes a lot of sense. For me, it’s another way of saying: simplifying. And it’s a major life skill in the 21st century.

  • TravelinOma says:

    I’ve been thinking about this for a week now. I’ve allowed other people to vacuum up my white space lately, and I have to subtract their priorities to make room for mine. This is a wonderful post, and I’m going to explore the rest of your blog. Thank you!

  • Yes! As you know, I’ve been thinking about dumpsters lately, and the urge to get rid of “junk”—physical and emotional. My husband and I are looking at houses right now, so the process of “subtraction” is more on my mind than ever. Thanks for all the great inspiration and balance you offer here. It really helps me keep things in perspective. (Great post at GoodLife Zen, too!)

  • sophiashouse says:

    Thank you so much Kristin.
    I’m always so inspired by what I read at Halfway to Normal too, including your journey with the dumpsters!

  • sophiashouse says:

    Yes, its so true, white space can easily disappear – sucked up by other people when we don’t protect it carefully and courageously.
    Glad you enjoyed it, and yes, make yourself at home and look around here 🙂
    Warmy, Tara

  • sophiashouse says:

    So agree about that it’s a major life skill in our time. Love that point.

  • I am in a HUGE subtraction phase of my life right now, so reading this was very affirming. The art of subtraction that I’m now engaged in sees me losing (or perhaps surrendering?) my identity; the “me” I’ve known my entire life. I’m in this no-man’s land right now where I don’t know where I’m going, who I really am, or what I’m all about (except love)… And that’s okay. It’s not scary, and the longer I stay in this space, the more I’m watching my past drift away from me, including some really deeply held beliefs, habits, etc. Stuff I thought would NEVER leave me is just floating away into the distance.

    It’s almost Friday once again, so I wish you a BEAUTIFUL rest of your week, and an easy, fun, lovely weekend.

  • sophiashouse says:

    Hi Megan, Wow, sounds like a lot of powerful subtraction and transition is happening in your life. It takes a lot of courage to be able to withstand the uncertainty and show up for that. In fact I think so many people avoid the transitions and changes that their inner voice is longing for because they can’t stand the not knowing. I can’t wait to read what unfolds for you as the path reveals itself to you.


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