[this piece was originally published in the Huffington Post]


Sometimes, spiritual growth is just seeing it sooner.

You see sooner that you are silencing your voice.

You see sooner that you are acting out of fear.

You see sooner that you are projecting the past on to the present.

You see sooner that you are the one acting crazy, not them.

Because you did the work, you see it sooner.

Until our last breaths, we’ll keep missing the mark.

We will dim our light and betray ourselves.

We will cause harm to those we love.

But if we stay awake, we can learn to course-correct sooner.

Stay awake and you might see it this year — and not let it extend for a decade.

Stay awake and you might see it this week — and not let it extend for a year.

Stay awake and you might can see it this hour — and not let it extend for a week.

Stay awake and you’ll receive those moments of grace, those crystal ones,
when in the instant — before the first choice, the first word, the first act —
you will catch it, right the moment of it’s beginning, and choose differently.

The turnaround is the most important part of the flight path.

When you make it, you move the whole world forward.

You plant a seed of love in the ground, and all those who come after you thank you.


photo credit: Aperture Vintage

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