
Girl Effect, Inner Critic Clinic and More…

By December 7, 2010 2 Comments

It’s one of those “updates” posts….
Girl Effect Blogging Campaign Update
The Girl Effect Blogging Campaign was a great success, with 170 bloggers writing Girl Effect posts to date. The participating bloggers didn’t just write — they also raised funds and took action. Thanks to all of you readers who participated, and a special welcome to new Wise Living readers who found my blog via the Girl Effect project.
The Girl Effect organization itself also expressed their appreciation and took an active role in spreading the word about the campaign. That was very gratifying!
Based on the enthusiasm for this effort, I’ve decided to continue the Girl Effect Blogging Campaign on an ongoing basis. Every month, I’ll be reaching out to one or more prominent bloggers and asking them to share their perspective on The Girl Effect. To find out about those posts, stay tuned to my twitter feed – I’ll publicize new posts there.
Inner Critic Clinic
In case you missed last Monday’s post, I want to point you to the information about my January Inner Critic Clinic. The Inner Clinic is going to be a power-packed, two-part virtual workshop that will help you learn how to quiet and leave behind the inner voices that undermine you. This is some of the most powerful work I do with my coaching clients, and this workshop will make it accessible to you. Wouldn’t it be nice to live your daily life in 2011 with less input from the inner critic? Learn more here…

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • It’s phenomenal to see how your blogging campaign grew to include 170 participants. Brava!

    I feel inspired to try out a “blog-in” on envocation.com related to the topic of food & the environment. We’ll see how this pans out.

    In the meantime, I’ve submitted my Girl Effect post f to Civil Eats, and will keep you posted if it does get re-posted there!

  • Lynna G says:

    I had just mentioned you in a blogpost today re: your blogging campaign so I am delighted to read that your are keeping it going in a new way. Congratulations. I have subscribed to your emails and am really enjoying them.

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