
The latest

By August 14, 2012 3 Comments

I have been giving myself the gift of a dance workshop this week, and my body and soul are grateful. Yesterday the workshop leader said, “In lots of workshops, the leader is the teacher, but in this workshop, the dance itself is the teacher.”

What practices in your life are themselves teachers? Writing? Gardening? Running? I love how this idea turns our focus inward, to the rich text of our own experience. I love how it evokes a kind of curiosity about our own experience in us, a curiosity that can replace judging, expectation, or hurry.
Three recent highlights from the blog:
1. Sometimes, love says no. I’d been talking with my close friends about this topic, thinking about this topic, journaling about this topic. Turns out this topic struck a big chord with you too.
2. The woman who didn’t listen. A recent moment when I found myself hating my body in the elevator mirrors — and what I did next. Something I’ve never done before. It felt really, really good.
3. New videos: One on 7 Ways to Discover Your Calling and one on My Favorite Teaching About Fear. Both about 3 minutes. I love my dear reader Lisa Jemus who spontaneously decided to tweet them to Oprah!
Big apple ladies: I’m coming to NYC in September! I’ll be doing lots of events and a little TV too. Stay tuned for news about public events. I’d love to meet you.
May you find the dance today.

Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • M Triana says:

    Best wishes for you. Keep shining, and dancing…

  • Throwing clay on the wheel is the teacher. I have to be centered to center. And I have to let the clay lead me to the shape it wants to take.

    I’m not always the best student, but the wheel turns anyway.

  • Kathleen Glowen says:

    I appreciate the post on “feedback” and how we should view it as an insight to the person that gives the feedback.. not to ourselves.. Thank you 🙂

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