
Beyond Political

By August 10, 2016 82 Comments

I could start this post with, “I don’t usually write about political topics…,” except that the word “political” doesn’t feel quite right to describe what’s unfolding before us now.

What is happening in my country has firmly left the realm of politics. We are now in the realm of the civic and the human. We are in the realm of choosing violence or nonviolence. We are in the realm of choosing between the delusions of othering or the truth of common humanity, of leaning toward emotional maturity or pathological emotional volatility. We are in the realm of protecting love, grappling with the rise of fear, seeing challenges to our long-held notions of human rights.

For eight years I’ve written here about our human potential, the forces that constrain it and the shifts that can unleash it. I’ve written about the legacy of women’s marginalization and this remarkable moment of change that you and I were born into, when women are stepping into our power. To not write about what is happening in my country, and how it relates to these issues, would be nonsensical.

And it would be my own fearful, people-pleasing way of playing small.

So, I want to let you know that I will be writing more in the next few months about the upcoming U.S. election, the movements surrounding it, the perceptions we hold of it – and how all of that relates to the things we’ve long talked about here.

My readers here are politically diverse (something I cherish) and I want you to know, whatever your views, I respect them, and you are welcome here. I know for a fact we have the most important things in common.

I don’t do othering. I don’t think one party or place on the political spectrum has a monopoly on truth. I think we all need to be speaking up right now. So I’ll speak my view of what’s happening and I open-heartedly invite you to speak yours.

Stay tuned for more, and if you are reading this via my email list, see the P.S. below if you prefer to opt out of election-related emails.

With love,


Join the discussion 82 Comments

  • Cynthia says:

    Thank you.

  • Laura Lander says:

    Well said, Tara! Speak up and speak out. Your words have great value.

  • Megan Baker says:

    Right on. It’s time all of us use any platform we have to support what’s human, compassionate, loving, and not other-ing.

  • Nisha Foerstner says:

    Bravo! Look forward to reading your posts!

  • Heather says:

    Glad to read this and for your courage. Looking forward to reading more.

  • Mary Montanye says:

    Yes! I totally support what you are doing here, Tara, and look forward to reading whatever you have to share on this topic. And by the way, I love that word “othering.” How perfect that is for what has been going on, and even what I have been falling into. No more othering!

  • Andrea says:

    Thank you Tara! I too have been feeling the need to act and not sure how. Thank you for opening that door. I look forward to reading more.

  • Ellen says:

    We do need to speak up. I too am open to diverse political views but currently I am sickened by the hateful rhetoric and wonder why more people do not stand up and say “enough” – we need to stand together as one people and then celebrate our differences with respect. I look forward to your future posts.

  • Alexandra says:

    Be as bright and loud as your soul wants to be – be true to yourself and honor your words. Brave and courageous. Sending lots of love :, can’t wait to see what you write and how you inspire us to think and weight our thoughts and actions.

  • Wendy says:

    Thank you. This post summarizes how I feel about the politics in our country right now and I have not found a way to put it in to words. I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments.

  • Bab says:

    Bravo! Your words resonate deeply. Now we must all speak out for our shared humanity. Thank you for using your powerful voice and encouraging us to use ours.

  • Linda Peckel says:

    Thank you for stepping up. Artists see ahead–and there’s a horrible horizon right now if we don’t speak out. You’re right, this is not about politics, it’s about decency, human rights, and learning to set boundaries that prevent people from rising to power who will only use it for destructive purposes. Trump needs to be stopped in any CIVIL way possible–and we have to keep talking until that happens!

  • Gina says:

    You go girl!

  • Trish says:

    Tara –
    This election is making the U.S. seem incomprehensibly ridiculous and impotent to the rest of the world. Please do write.

  • Noreen Spanski says:

    I support you and, will create opportunities to get this message out there!!

  • Christina says:

    I truly appreciate your post. I work in human rights, and it has encouraged me at a time when I was starting to feel defeated.

  • Ellen says:

    Thank you so much. I was wondering how to talk about what’s happening in the Playing Big FB group. It all seems so relavent. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to think about it through a PB lens.

  • Rachel Cole says:

    Love. Yes. Thank you.

  • Amy says:


  • Eleanor Bell says:

    I have always appreciated how you are able to hold both the systems that constrain us with the individual’s power and responsibility to take action to change the system, starting with our own internal work. So I would love to hear your thoughts on what is happening now.

  • Guru Kiren says:

    Thank you for this! A conversation worth sharing to ALL.

  • Sandy Bauska says:

    Your comments are of course welcome. What kind of a democracy would we have if we can’t speak out?

    Here’s my favorite current quote from Dante’s Inferno, written in the 14th Century.

    “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.”

  • Gail Stone says:

    Thank you!

  • Ciara says:


    I’m so glad you’re doing this. I had a similar response myself…here’s my blog on the topic

  • shelley says:

    shared this with my FB friends

  • eric says:

    Thank you for writing this post and clarifying the issue with this: “the delusions of othering”

  • selena says:

    You/We must speak out candidly about what is happening. It’s wonderful to think about positive change and a compassionate new world. However, we won’t get there until we take some responsibility for cleaning up the mess that is surfacing. It’s time for a serious DETOX. It won’t be pretty, nor will it be comfortable. But it is certainly necessary. Politics influences so many aspects of our lives and our children’s lives. Whether we want to admit it or not. I am glad to see you speak up.

  • Val says:

    Thank you Tara, thank you.

  • Karen Pratt says:

    Bravo to you for speaking up. I am also not usually “political,” but this election cycle I have decided it is important enough to iterate my opinions, stand up for the voice(s) of reason, and criticize the voices of hatred. I cannot help but believe if more people had done that before the rise of Nazi power, that dreadful history could have been different. Now it is our turn to take stands for compassion and inclusion, even if it makes us unpopular with some. I have begun this discussion in my family, with my neighbors, and at church. More of us need to do this, even if it feels like we might be risking disapproval from some. Keep on furthering the discussion.

  • Shari Miller says:

    Yes, yes, yes. Thank you!

  • Amy says:


  • Padma says:

    It is so heartening to read your post Tara, and the responses to it here. Your commitment and words are encouraging others to step up and speak out, which is a necessary response to what is happening. And it can be so powerful when it comes from a place of Unity, and not Separation or “othering” as you call it. It has seemed as if many of my peers (older, more progressive old hippies)… are in such shock, paralyzed like a deer in the headlights, or are to trying to convince the angry mob that they are making a terrible mistake (which only increases the sense in “them” that their needs aren’t being recognized and heard).

    Instead I believe the most powerful response always comes from a deep state of Presence… and out of that place, the Feminine can wield the sword of Truth while keeping her heart open to what appears to be the “Other.” From that place we can also see what appears to be “Other” as our very own self, thus removing the barriers. So my question is… how do we speak the truth that Unifies without whitewashing or being all rainbows and unicorns. What does that look like?

  • Brava Tara! I so appreciate your stand, and enjoyed the quote shared by one of your readers from Dante.You’ve inspired me, and given me hope.

  • Deirdre says:

    Thank you for speaking up! We need more to voice a message of inclusion and rejecting fear.

  • Kate says:

    Our individual paths of learning and experiencing Playing Big will challenge us to speak our truths and find common ground to move our careers forward, our visions for our teams and our businesses. But we have to be willing to speak out and not get caught up on us vs. them or an absolute truth of right. As women who have daughters, mothers, aunts, sisters and nephews, fathers, brothers and husbands we owe it to ourselves and each other to find and insist on civility and respect in our communications and actions.

    Tara, continue to use your platform to speak your voice!

  • Judy says:

    Yes! Thank you for speaking up and may we all do more of it! Judy

  • Genevieve says:

    I sigh with relief to read this.I completely agree that it is beyond political, and it’s also beyond the realm of personality. It FEELS like a direct emanation of the underlying cultural distrust of women. We are swimming in it; so we don’t always see it. How do we get fish to recognize water?

  • Alison Marshall says:

    Yes please speak out – tell us – I’m in the UK and I want to understand more from someone whose perceptions I trust. Thank you in advance.

  • Sally says:

    Thank you for speaking out. This is the true essence of playing big.

  • Betsy says:

    Thank you for doing this! We need all voices loud and clear with this message!

  • Roberta Chapman says:

    Thank You Tara for shinning brilliantly in this volatile atmosphere we are now presently in.

    Looking forward to these emails!!

    Blessings always for you and your family!!

  • Audrey says:

    Good for you Tara for speaking out! We all need to be having this conversation. This is not the time for silence.

  • Interesting, isn’t it, how we have become somewhat coy of the word “political”, as we have of the word “feminist”? When teaching senior-high students, I often start by asking “who is interested in politics?”. Maybe one or two, put their hands up. I then ask “Who cares about what age you can start driving? Whether you have to wear school uniform? The price of chocolate milk at the canteen? Whether you will get a job?” All hands go up. Which is when I point out, that they are ALL interested in politics. Sadly, when we say the word, we envisage middle-aged white guys droning on.
    Funny that…

  • Kathleen Cacouris says:


  • Drew Williams says:

    How could you condone ignorance by not looking or speaking ?
    Full support here, Tara.

  • Linda says:

    Speak, speak, speak up…it is exactly what is needed. The choice to be brave or cower in fear, in our lifetimes, has never been so critical.

  • Tara Mohr says:

    Thank you, Cynthia!

  • Tara Mohr says:

    Thank you Laura!

  • Tara Mohr says:


  • Tara Mohr says:

    Yes, it was interesting to see how many people commented about that word – I think I’ll need to write more about it!

  • Tara Mohr says:

    I’m so glad I can help open the door, Andrea. xo

  • Tara Mohr says:


  • Tara Mohr says:

    Thank you, Alexandra.xo

  • Tara Mohr says:

    Oh I’m so glad Wendy – I feel like that’s part of my job here – to help put things into words. 🙂

  • Tara Mohr says:

    Thank you Christina, I’m so glad. xo

  • Tara Mohr says:

    Thank you Eleanor. I so appreciate that thoughtful comment.

  • Tara Mohr says:

    That’s interesting. What comes up for me when I read that is the idea that those on the side of “evil” are often deluded, they’ve been misled, they are profoundly wounded themselves – and therefore those that soberly or in greater mental sanity choose neutral are in some way even more accountable than those who have temporarily lost their minds.

  • Tara Mohr says:

    The link gives us a 404 but try again!

  • Tara Mohr says:

    Thank you, Selena. xo

  • Tara Mohr says:

    I love that Karen. There is so much power we each have in our choice to talk about these issues with the people around us. xo

  • AnnaBona says:

    Dear Tara,

    Thanks for your post today.
    I life in Germany, Berlin and do appreciate your position on the political issues in your country very much.

    I’m looking forward to learn about your opinion.

  • Tara Mohr says:

    I think sometimes it looks like other people calling it rainbows and unicorns and naivete, and us being able to live with that. Love to you. xo

  • Tara Mohr says:

    Thank you Claire! xo

  • Tara Mohr says:

    I so agree, Linda. xo

  • Tara Mohr says:

    Well said, Drew!!

  • Tara Mohr says:

    This comment really moved me, Tracey. Thank you.

  • Claudia says:

    I was recently in the States. Fore 3 weeks. And I tried to learn a lot. It is not easy to understand, sometimes also because of the language. But I think there is no black and white, both parts are acting horribly and in Europe people often condemn the USA in general, which is completely wrong. I read in an American online newspaper, that only 6% of the USA voters will be for H or T, for their parties but not for the candidates. So it is a complicate dilemma, even if the number is not correct. That is all over the world the same. But what will mean to stand up, to speak out loudly?! Yes,I agree, not to remain silent, but what could we really do? Even in Germany, the perspectives are not very positive. So many people here in Germany don’t want to talk about politics any longr. They have there fears, don’t agree perhaps with the official sight, but remain at the end without a voice. I feel in some way discouraged.

  • Sherold Barr says:

    I look forward to reading your wise view of what’s happening. We are living in dark times of fear and violence. All light workers need to be on deck now to shine and not hide. Sending you love.

  • Laura says:

    Thank you for this act of playing big! Thank you for reminding us that we all have more in common than we do differences. I look forward to hearing more from you and am more inspired to share my views on the election with help from the perspective you’ve provided.

    Thank you!

  • Jillian says:

    Go Tara Go!
    Thank you for doing this. I am hoping you’ll help me give voice and words and structure to what I’m feeling so that I can better articulate them in the world. Please help!

  • Isabel says:

    Thank you Tara, I think it is wonderful you are doing this. I came to this country 10 years ago . I came and stayed becouse I always admired the strong American institutions and check and balances system . This seem to be gone and this my fist year in which I will be able to cast my fist vote . I am lost. I don’t believe and can not vote for the empty, violent, rhetoric of the right, nor can I forget the lies and half truths of the other thru out their carears. I hope you can be a guiding light.

  • Andrea says:

    Thank you! That’s all I wanted to say.
    And ‘othering’? What an awesomely descriptive word!

  • Eileen in Palm Desert says:

    The majority of people do not opt out of any responsible action. Please don’t look for my opt out, as it will never be there. We, as caring humans not only think with our brain, but feel with our heart. We have the betterment of humanity at the forefront of our thoughts. We act and do not avoid our responsibilities to family, friends, communities, country and all of society.
    So, bring it on! I trust in your wonderful brain and loving heart, as well as the information you so generously offer to all of us. Thank you for allowing me to share your wise words and partake in the bounty you bring to the table.

  • Nicole says:

    Yes! Let us speak rationally and openly about important issues. Let us not decry other for believing differently, but strive to remember we all want the best for ourselves and each other. We are so much more alike than different. Bravo.

  • Sally Graver says:

    Thank you for taking this on. I think that one good thing that has come out of current political events is that people are being challenged to think deeply about what it is to be American.

    I appreciate your furthering this conversation and value your clear, compassionate thinking.

  • […] there’s another part of me that knows the first thing to tell you, as I start to write to you more about this upcoming election, is this: I’m […]

  • Mandy says:

    Yes! I second what Eleanor said.

  • Lee says:

    I so love that you are taking on this topic. It does feel like a risk to share and speak up. We are at our growth edge as a society. It’s time we as a country learn to have open, civil debates and discussions about ideas and world views and give up the old adage, “I don’t ‘do’ politics.”

    One thought though….many of the reader replies here seem to be in agreement that Trump must be stopped. Yet I wonder how many voters actually enthusiastically support a Hillary Clinton presidency? Or is this cycle simply a “Sophie’s Choice” election?

    I wonder….how many who oppose Trump actually feel quite comfortable with the Clintons moving back into the White House given their history of scandal after scandal?

    I wonder….how many women actually feel inspired by this woman being our first female president?

    I share my thoughts here, not to suggest Trump should not be stopped, but rather to get a sense of just how voters are feeling about Hillary Clinton as a candidate.

    I for one agree with many other women, including Camille Paglia and Susan Sarandon, who believe Hillary is – and I quote – “a mess.”

    And at this point, I’m not sure who I am more afraid of becoming president.

    So…I’m listening! …and looking forward to your take on things as the election draws closer.

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