
Calling All Women in Academia!

By November 28, 2016 One Comment


If you are a woman working in academia (or have some dear friends or family members who are), this note is for you.

Over the past few years, my team and I have been watching something quite notable happening in our work: tremendous adoption of the Playing Big model among women professors, academic advisors, and university staff and administrators.

These women have shared with us how the Playing Big model has helped them:

   • find their own authentic voice and path in their scholarship
   • take on new leadership roles at their institutions
   • mentor and advise in a much more effective way
   • thrive within what can be the very tough culture of academia
   • navigate decisions about pursing work outside of academia

… and much more!

I’m so thrilled about this. It’s personal for me: my own experiences with higher education gave me tremendous gifts, developing my mind, my knowledge, and my community. But my experiences in higher education also showed me the many ways our university cultures are often still male-dominated, and not at all what they could be as places that truly include women’s voices and ideas.

With all of this in mind, we have created some special offerings for women in academia for 2017 and beyond.

If you work in academia or higher education and are interested in learning more about our Playing Big professional development programs and our special cohort for women in academia, sign up HERE to learn more.

We’ll share with you program details as well as supporting materials you can share with your institution if you’d like to explore having your participation funded by them.

To learn more, sign up for our special Women in Academia Interest list HERE.



Tara & team

Join the discussion One Comment

  • Andrea D'Ambrosia Dolan says:

    Congratulations, Tara! I’m happy to hear that women in academia are embracing your program. I no longer work in an academic environment but from my experience, I saw the need. Brava to you! Love your work.

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